I've been at work on AstroDodge and things are looking good. I've put in a variable that changes the difficulty based on your score. It works okay... If you get a one things come nice and slow as well as not very often. Once you get to about ten or eleven things are SUPER hard. Like hardcore hard.

Anyway I'll be adding to that. Balance and all.

Sound is a bit of a predicament... I REALLY don't have a clue on what to do. I'm not sure what sound files (.mp3, .wav , .ogg) the iPhone supports. AND I REALLY don't want to pay for the sounds. So yeah...

I'm not really a sound person. Let's say it's not my forte. I need like a laser sound, some catchy soundtracks for the actual game and an explosion... So I've got some work to do.

Got to go! Bye!

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